Building Diagnostic Investigation Services

Diagnostic Investigations

Maintaining a building’s structural integrity is essential for ensuring the safety of its occupants and preserving its value. However, building issues can arise over time, resulting in significant problems if addressed. That’s why it’s crucial to identify building issues before they become significant problems. Remedial diagnostic investigations play a crucial role in identifying and addressing building issues. At MJ Engineering Projects, we provide comprehensive diagnostic testing to ensure your building remains in top condition.

What are Remedial Diagnostic Investigations?

Remedial diagnostic investigations are an essential aspect of building maintenance and repair. These investigations are designed to identify and assess building issues before they become significant problems. A remedial diagnostic investigation aims to determine the root cause of a building issue and develop a tailored solution to address the issue.

Remedial diagnostic investigations can identify various issues, including water ingress, structural damage, and building defects. These investigations can involve various methods, including visual inspections, non-destructive testing, and laboratory testing. The diagnostic process typically involves a comprehensive inspection of the building, including its exterior and interior, as well as its systems and components.

During a remedial diagnostic investigation, engineers will assess the building’s condition and identify any issues that require attention. They will then develop a remedial plan to address these issues, including repairs, maintenance, or replacement of building components or systems.

Conducting a remedial diagnostic investigation involves a team of experienced professionals trained to identify and assess building issues accurately. These professionals use the latest technology and equipment to conduct their investigations, ensuring that all issues are identified and addressed.

The goal of remedial diagnostic investigations is to ensure the longevity and value of the building. By identifying and addressing building issues early on, building owners can prevent significant problems from developing and extend the lifespan of the building.


How can MJ Engineering Projects help?

Our Experience

At MJ Engineering, we understand the importance of waterproofing in construction projects, and that’s why we offer remedial waterproofing services that repair existing failed waterproofing systems. Our team of certified waterproofing consultants has extensive repair experience, making us the ideal partner for any remedial waterproofing needs.

Our Knowledge

We offer a range of services, including basement waterproofing, roof waterproofing, and leaking balcony repairs, providing a comprehensive solution for any waterproofing issues. Our team of experts can accurately diagnose the issue and identify the point of entry to prevent further water damage. We provide detailed specifications for repairs, ensuring that the underlying cause of the waterproofing issue is addressed.

Our Experts

At MJ Engineering, we understand that every building has unique waterproofing needs. That’s why our team of certified waterproofing consultants provides tailored solutions to meet the specific needs of your property. We also use high-quality materials and products in our remedial waterproofing services, ensuring that our repairs are long-lasting and effective.

Diagnostic Investigation Process

Diagnostic Investigations

Site Inspection & Report

We will inspect the area where water ingress is reported to areas adjacent/below; provide initial findings.

Diagnostic Investigations
Diagnostic Investigations

Develop Specifications

We would develop specifications describing methodologies and materials required to repair the issue.

Diagnostic Investigations
Diagnostic Investigations

Conduct Tender Process​

We would conduct the tender process on behalf of the owners corporation and assess the tenders.

Diagnostic Investigations
Diagnostic Investigations

Project Management

We will project manage / superintend the repair works and ensure the project runs according to the budget and schedule.

The MJ Engineering Projects Experience

Diagnostic Investigations

Over 20 Years Experience

Our team of specialist remedial engineers who are also registered design practitioners have over 20 years of experience and would be able to assist with any issues.

Diagnostic Investigations

Leading Industry Expertise

Our team focuses only in remedial engineering meaning that you can be rest assured with our specialist knowledge and expertise.

Diagnostic Investigations

Over 1,000 Buildings

With over 1,000 buildings inspected, our team of engineers are able to troubleshoot any concern that may be encountered.

FAQs About Building Diagnostic Investigation Services

Remedial diagnostic investigations are essential to building maintenance and repair, as they can help identify common building issues that, if left untreated, can lead to significant problems. These investigations can help identify various issues, including water ingress, structural damage, and building defects.

Water ingress is one of the most common issues identified through remedial diagnostic investigations. It occurs when water enters a building through gaps, cracks, or other openings in the building envelope. Water ingress can lead to mould growth, rot, and decay of building materials, which can weaken the structure of the building and create safety hazards for occupants.

Structural damage is another issue that can be identified through remedial diagnostic investigations. Structural damage can occur due to various reasons, such as age, weathering, or improper construction. It can result in cracks, bulges, and other visible signs of damage, which can compromise the safety and stability of the building.

Building defects can also be identified through remedial diagnostic investigations. These defects can range from minor issues, such as cosmetic blemishes, to major issues, such as faulty construction or design. Building defects can affect the building’s safety, function, and value.

These common building issues can lead to significant problems if left untreated. For instance, water ingress can lead to mould growth, creating health hazards for occupants. Structural damage can weaken the building’s structure, making it unsafe for occupancy. Building defects can reduce the building’s value and create safety hazards for occupants.

Therefore, it is crucial to conduct remedial diagnostic investigations to identify and address these issues promptly. Building owners should consider engaging the services of a professional remedial engineer to conduct these investigations to ensure that all issues are identified and addressed effectively.

When identifying and addressing building issues, working with a reputable provider of remedial diagnostic investigation services is crucial. At MJ Engineering Projects, we are committed to delivering cost-effective and practical solutions that meet each client’s unique needs. Here’s how we stand out from other service providers:

Experience and Expertise: Our team of experienced professionals has extensive experience in conducting remedial diagnostic investigations. We have a proven track record of successfully identifying and addressing building issues promptly and effectively.

At MJ Engineering Projects, we utilise a comprehensive diagnostic process to identify the root cause of building issues. Our team of experts thoroughly inspect the building to identify any issues that require attention. We use the latest technology and equipment to provide accurate and reliable diagnoses, ensuring that we address the root cause of the problem rather than just the symptoms.

Tailored Solutions: We understand that every building is unique and take a tailored approach to remedial diagnostic investigations. We work closely with our clients to develop custom solutions that meet their specific needs. Our team provides ongoing support and guidance throughout the implementation of remedial diagnostic investigation solutions, ensuring their success.

We use the latest technology and equipment in conducting remedial diagnostic investigations. This allows us to provide accurate and reliable diagnoses and identify building issues quickly and effectively.

Cost-effective and Practical Solutions: We are committed to delivering cost-effective and practical solutions for remedial diagnostic investigations. Our team of experts provides tailored solutions that meet each client’s unique needs, ensuring that they get the most value for their investment.

At MJ Engineering Projects, we have conducted numerous successful remedial diagnostic investigations, resulting in improved longevity and value of the building. Our comprehensive diagnostic process and tailored solutions have helped our clients identify and address building issues promptly and effectively, preventing further damage and reducing repair costs.

Identifying and addressing building issues through remedial diagnostic investigations is essential for building maintenance and repair. Engaging MJ Engineering Projects for these services can provide numerous benefits, including their experience and expertise in identifying and addressing building issues, using the latest technology and equipment, and finding cost-effective and practical solutions. Their approach to remedial diagnostic investigations includes a comprehensive diagnostic process and tailored solutions to meet each client’s specific needs. By providing ongoing support and guidance throughout the implementation of solutions, MJ Engineering Projects ensures the success of their client’s projects. Don’t hesitate to contact MJ Engineering Projects to learn more about their remedial diagnostic investigation services and how they can help improve the longevity and value of your building.

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